Sep 30, 2010

Science I love . again and again
The amazing chemistry of dreams:
I wake up early . just now . slowly . so I remember
I am in a high school art class as an outsider-visitor-helper
It's critique time
The work is carefully put up. to see
I wander out and down the hall to another art classroom
Walk in and move around the edges looking at each piece on three walls
What am I doing ?! .Run back
They're watching a fine art film . I watch . Rembrandt lighting beauty
Lights on
I look at each of their drawings on the wall
The quality is remarkable
Starting to wake up . realizing . somehow .I create
Two complete art shows with unique .wonderful pictures
A poignant film .within
A cast of.engaging teen characters
I get to do it again

Sep 29, 2010

I am in Love:
The Good Fairy made me a Wikipedia page:
Pictures going everywhere
Pictures being seen

"That's what."

Sep 21, 2010

There are trade-offs:
Are your dreams getting better with aging
My sleep-chem-events make up for piles

Sep 19, 2010

I email Nick a new picture of me to use at the top of .A FOLK TALE:
Me: . Potential pirate ..medicatedNick:. LOVE this picture
it doesn’t look like you – but it’s very cool… very intense and not unflattering.Me: .It fuckin' looks exactly like what I see in a mirror.
Is this not curious ?!
Me: .No wonder no one sees my pictures.
I don't even know what they look like !
Nick and I work on the Website. since '07
We sit side by side - we email back n forth
PirateLife. is a must:Me: .Afterall . Nick . these are some Pirate-possibilities:
corsair, filibuster, freebooter, marauder, picaroon, privateer, raider, rover, sea rover, buccaneer, charlatan, daredevil, entrepreneur, explorer, fortune-hunter, gambler, globetrotter, hero, heroine, madcap, mercenary, opportunist, pioneer, romantic, speculator, stunt person, swashbuckler, traveler, venturer, voyager, wanderer, brigand, criminal, crook, desperado, forager, gangster, gunperson, highwayperson, hijacker, holdup person, hooligan, marauder, mobster, outlaw, pillager, plunderer, racketeer, raider, ravager, robber, villain, act like, ape, burlesque, do, do a take-off, do like, echo, embody, emulate, epitomize, fake, follow, follow example, follow suit, go like, illustrate, incarnate, knock off, make like, mimic, mirror, mock, model, parody, parrot, personify, phony, play a role, prefigure, repeat, sham, simulate, steal, take leaf out of book, take off, travesty, typify, Hollywood, affected, assumed, bent, bogus*, brummagem, copied, crock, deceptive, delusive, delusory, ersatz, faked, false, feigned, fictitious, fishy, forged, framed, fraudulent, imitation, misleading, mock, not genuine, not kosher, phony*, plant*, pretended, pretentious, pseudo, put-on, queer, sham, snide, soft shell, spurious, suppositious, two-faced, won't fly, wrong
It's not our sea .Nick
.Bill .have you ever considered that you're an image pirate?
have you taken that thought down the rabbit hole before?Me: .Strollin' the Rollin' Sidewalks ..Land and See
I may be .THE ImagePirate among millions:
corsair, filibuster, freebooter, marauder, picaroon, privateer, raider, rover, sea rover, buccaneer, charlatan, daredevil, entrepreneur, explorer, fortune-hunter, gambler, globetrotter, hero, heroine, madcap, mercenary, opportunist, pioneer, romantic, speculator, stunt person, swashbuckler, traveler, venturer, voyager, wanderer, brigand, criminal, crook, desperado, forager, gangster, gunperson, highwayperson, hijacker, holdup person, hooligan, marauder, mobster, outlaw, pillager, plunderer, racketeer, raider, ravager, robber, villain, act like, ape, burlesque, do, do a take-off, do like, echo, embody, emulate, epitomize, fake, follow, follow example, follow suit, go like, illustrate, incarnate, knock off, make like, mimic, mirror, mock, model, parody, parrot, personify, phony, play a role, prefigure, repeat, sham, simulate, steal, take leaf out of book, take off, travesty, typify, Hollywood, affected, assumed, bent, bogus*, brummagem, copied, crock, deceptive, delusive, delusory, ersatz, faked, false, feigned, fictitious, fishy, forged, framed, fraudulent, imitation, misleading, mock, not genuine, not kosher, phony*, plant*, pretended, pretentious, pseudo, put-on, queer, sham, snide, soft shell, spurious, suppositious, two-faced, won't fly, wrong
Thanks for keepin' me 'grounded' o NickoSwashBucklin'Pyro
Just takin''s me job work
Love Bill

Sep 15, 2010

Joel Selvin..Chronicle-Music-Man."SMARTASS"
Good luck with it all . Joel.
What an .epoch-epic .gift for us.
Thank the spirits for 'dropouts' !
You have surely worked your smartass off.
And guys like us maybe won't stop - a little pacing .. maybe.

Sep 10, 2010

Patrick Walter Siler's Eight Foot High Ceramic Columns
Click here for Pat's Pipes

Today they are at the Ceramics Annual of America
Along with a real bad-ass-beauty Voulkos plate
And a gorgeous Melchert wall-piece

Sep 8, 2010

Childhood Story:
5 years old - July 4th 1943 Rose Bowl
A treatMom takes me to the 4th of July ExtravaganzaIt's packed and dark .. Blacked out where kids play football on the grassFlash.Twitch.Terror
Fireworks explode all over Japanese village huts people
Huge noise.. fighting .Soldiers ..rifles.. tanks ..figures ..cannons ..carnage
Screaming fighter planes..bomb .
Bodies collect
Lights on.
Trash everywhere.
Let's go home

The Lives of Millions..since forever
'News' videos....
movie 'Trailers' 'Games'
Hearts and souls
We are home
Childhood Story:
South Central 1946. In my face...gut
My father takes me too see the Harlem Globtrotters
His pure-self: "see-the-jungle-bunnies-with-watermelon"
Luckily .I have no idea
It is the most amazing . thrilling..unforgettable
He must know . I am lost to his world

Sep 4, 2010

Shadeless 97 degree sidewalk
East 14th is one of my routes
Two serious prostitutes .walking towards me ..pass by
Go in a shop ....come out . go by me
WhiteTshirt guy follows them sayin's"Come here" .
One of the women does stop and talk
The defiant woman walks on a block .. stops.
I pass her .....I look back .... flash

WhiteT and a woman squeal up in an old hoopty
Jump out..start beating on her.. trying to drag her in
This woman will not be put into the car.. 5 minutes
10 people are close .watching

Cool red car pulls up ..calm driver-dude gets out .Takes her hand ..leads her . puts her in ..drives off
'beaters' .standing ..talkin' shit . makin' signs .....
End public part ... I'm. full ........and wondering how race matters