Of Course i'm sorry to drag you thru mi messes Dan cameras deleted-files etcetera
oy meg & then you
Apr 29, 2018
Dan edits our interviews into a li'l me-book with pictures & we email:
Sounds like a plan
Sounds like a plan
If this editing is fun for you Dan then please proceed and as-you-like-it
i can and will stay out-of-it if that is what you desire for your own sanity and dignity Dan Bill
Apr 28, 2018
Co incident Nick n I will begin major move to SquareSpace on Monday
You will see if we've left the old 'form' when we have
&! a Nick-love: there will be an "Add to cart" button on each picture
he's 'sure' sales will magically birth - jeysoos?
From now on & in the interest of me 99%-99$ dignity
15" long-side x "?" pictures will sell for $99 add only ship-cost
Apr 27, 2018
Apr 26, 2018
Apr 25, 2018
Thank You much Doc Szpakowski
Long Live Our Flickr
They're all found - mostly in our streets
I go from 35mm to Macro
Crop w/minimal 'tweaking'
Now i'm using me last rig - Fuji X-T20 w/18-135mm
Os Bill
Long Live Our Flickr
They're all found - mostly in our streets
I go from 35mm to Macro
Crop w/minimal 'tweaking'
Now i'm using me last rig - Fuji X-T20 w/18-135mm
Os Bill
Apr 24, 2018
Afortunados todos
y Suerte a todos
= ¡Gracias Peter Coonradt So well done
we got the dvd working ayer Os bill+++
Apr 23, 2018
Dan du diddl in me old L.A. Lr5 does HAHA with me RAW files - uploads Not. Jpegs - OK.
& who cares?! it'll all come out in the May wash ...
& who cares?! it'll all come out in the May wash ...
Carbonite @ 99% fini
Nick n meg SquareSpace Creation Session of biblical magnitudes will commence on Monday
+ 2 cameras in use here
+ when you have time HAHA we will check Carbonite Restore with TeamViewer
At your convenience fa-sho! in the days n weeks ahead! My Pleasure Bill.

Apr 22, 2018
Always a pleasure Tony
I loved the parking & entrance hunt - met more folks!
We are historically placed so beyond the village scene - even of the '70s
Exponentially exploding ingredients ...
Production of any kind of exhibit is way beyond me $99
The Internet offers adventures in sharing connecting wit small $
We Be TRUCKIN'... Bill
Apr 21, 2018
Apr 20, 2018
Apr 17, 2018
So Lucky meg!
Dan comes to town with his students from Norway
Shows meg how to work me camera
Restores me picture-files
Heads for L.A. in a really big bus full . . .
Dan comes to town with his students from Norway
Shows meg how to work me camera
Restores me picture-files
Heads for L.A. in a really big bus full . . .
Apr 16, 2018
JRW &/r whoever we are
we gotta get ta movin'... & TRUCKIN'... Big BoI
this chair-shit gotta be diddled
i'm gettin' fat J
ma knees r crap
Let's Focus Brō!
¡The Streets R Us
we gotta get ta movin'... & TRUCKIN'... Big BoI
this chair-shit gotta be diddled
i'm gettin' fat J
ma knees r crap
Let's Focus Brō!
¡The Streets R Us
Apr 15, 2018
Hello Dave my g-uncle and g-father started Thacher School there in 1889 - came west to save a brother from TB - my mom born there - I played there summers & winter Brakes! rode rich kids' horses - swimming in 'pool' wit thirsty then dead tarantulas - 'adults' so happy to turn us all loose all the hours of all days ... et cetera Os Bill
Apr 14, 2018
Apr 13, 2018
Thank You.
2007, "the internet will get your pictures out-there", monet and nick
1969, i began getting them out-there with photo-postcard mailings, ~69,000 mailed
nicholas jarvis powers, sun-in-law, does website, computer-tech, form-content, humor-spirits - music
everything i want you to see will be here at billdane.com
you helped me to understand and made me feel a part of something before i could know what it was
patrick walter siler, bill burback, bill mott-smith, ron goldstein, lea anderson
camille zulpo, john szarkowski, joan rosenbaum, diana edkins, henry wessel jr
ben lifson, john fitzgibbon, tod papageorge, diane arbus, lee friedlander
for validating my adventure
you, jeffrey fraenkel, frish brandt, elliott linwood, alain dupuy, carlos gollonet
pamela bonino, sandy sammataro phillips, tom garver, marc james leger
ann swidler, jack fischer, dan skjæveland
my everything companion nancy rose dulberg
monet zulpo-dane, nicholas jarvis powers, esther dulberg dane, moses dulberg dane
i hope that my sense of this life in the form of these pictures turns out to be worth sharing
grateful bill
2007, "the internet will get your pictures out-there", monet and nick
1969, i began getting them out-there with photo-postcard mailings, ~69,000 mailed
nicholas jarvis powers, sun-in-law, does website, computer-tech, form-content, humor-spirits - music
everything i want you to see will be here at billdane.com
you helped me to understand and made me feel a part of something before i could know what it was
patrick walter siler, bill burback, bill mott-smith, ron goldstein, lea anderson
camille zulpo, john szarkowski, joan rosenbaum, diana edkins, henry wessel jr
ben lifson, john fitzgibbon, tod papageorge, diane arbus, lee friedlander
for validating my adventure
you, jeffrey fraenkel, frish brandt, elliott linwood, alain dupuy, carlos gollonet
pamela bonino, sandy sammataro phillips, tom garver, marc james leger
ann swidler, jack fischer, dan skjæveland
my everything companion nancy rose dulberg
monet zulpo-dane, nicholas jarvis powers, esther dulberg dane, moses dulberg dane
i hope that my sense of this life in the form of these pictures turns out to be worth sharing
grateful bill

Apr 12, 2018
Apr 11, 2018
Apr 10, 2018
Nick, that pre-crash, life-saver, flash-drive with 552, 1500 pxl website picture-files
I added & subtracted a few
I added & subtracted a few
I shall appear for face-a-face using words n hugs
Hope you feel the Bill-pressure Broo
+: my cloud service is purportedly uploading all my lost picture files @ 5% a day
Apr 9, 2018
I sent you this 1500 pxl file Rob because if shit comes ta more shit I have some more...
Please print it approx 8"x10" with a 1/4" border
(canson baryta paper)

li'lbilly's planetary-speck-issues
Apr 8, 2018
Apr 7, 2018
Apr 6, 2018
He prints - charges - and never gets blame
i do pay fer me sins Rob
i do pay fer me sins Rob
still no god
wish i were and was
Apr 5, 2018
Apr 4, 2018
Dear Dan, planetary-sandkorn, li'lbillysyndrom!
I have Not been able to get my files back yet BUT the Carbonite team in Maine is helping restore all my picture files to my Mac
= I will sort out the files-mess in 2, 3 weeks when the process is complete = luckily for you
I just can't help thinking there's a more 'direct-straightforward'
Tweaking-Organizing-Retrieving System available in our world
Tweaking-Organizing-Retrieving System available in our world
the complexities of Lr5 coupled with my deformities is making this stuff awful
teeny-speck-problems here!
Apr 3, 2018
Apr 2, 2018

From Flickr Didi:
Puts me in mind of William Carlos Williams deceptively simple visuals, but with little flashes of amazing depth and imagery.
XXII (original poem title and from the collected works in this book: "Spring and All" (1923)
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
San Rafael 2012
Apr 1, 2018
from a friend - leaving our flickr - The Finest.:
Hey Bill. Yes, (extant) and happy you are too. Just rearranged priorities is all. Much more writing and reading, entering contests to get books out, etc. I just finished reading The Vegetarian by Han Kang. Can't recommend that novel strongly enough! Future Nobel laureate, for sure. What a subtle way to foreground animal rights in the literary discourse, turn it into an ostensibly "erotic" novel, a woman after my heart! Spending more money on books than film but happy to find a little Konica I love at the thrift store down the street for twelve bucks. Have realized that bipolar disorder is not the full extent of my diagnosis and am exploring another side of my lifelong difference (within a world of differences) and hope to turn this to a written analysis (sickly Entwicklungsroman type stuff). Flickr I put on the back burner since so many people whose work I have given regular attention to (honestly intended, because I think everyone here I follow is truly fabulous) seemed not to care that I was here one whit. So tra la. World's smallest violin crashes to earth and I stub it out under my cheap shoes. There is fabulousness elsewhere...everywhere, in fact. I think even the Bible knew that. I do Instagram now. I have almost as many followers there as here, should soon pass that number and those people are actually online every day and respond. So I leave here with no guilt, no bitterness, knowing most people on here got more attention than they gave-- present company definitely excepted on that! Thank you so much for your thousand kindnesses on here....it has truly meant a lot and I always praise you when given the chance...or when not given the chance. The praise is actually distinct from the gratitude or amour-propre side of things. It's praise for the artist, apart from the friend. As WCW said after the stroke to a friend on the phone (straining for the words that were now mangled): "You have made a record in my heart."
Hey Bill. Yes, (extant) and happy you are too. Just rearranged priorities is all. Much more writing and reading, entering contests to get books out, etc. I just finished reading The Vegetarian by Han Kang. Can't recommend that novel strongly enough! Future Nobel laureate, for sure. What a subtle way to foreground animal rights in the literary discourse, turn it into an ostensibly "erotic" novel, a woman after my heart! Spending more money on books than film but happy to find a little Konica I love at the thrift store down the street for twelve bucks. Have realized that bipolar disorder is not the full extent of my diagnosis and am exploring another side of my lifelong difference (within a world of differences) and hope to turn this to a written analysis (sickly Entwicklungsroman type stuff). Flickr I put on the back burner since so many people whose work I have given regular attention to (honestly intended, because I think everyone here I follow is truly fabulous) seemed not to care that I was here one whit. So tra la. World's smallest violin crashes to earth and I stub it out under my cheap shoes. There is fabulousness elsewhere...everywhere, in fact. I think even the Bible knew that. I do Instagram now. I have almost as many followers there as here, should soon pass that number and those people are actually online every day and respond. So I leave here with no guilt, no bitterness, knowing most people on here got more attention than they gave-- present company definitely excepted on that! Thank you so much for your thousand kindnesses on here....it has truly meant a lot and I always praise you when given the chance...or when not given the chance. The praise is actually distinct from the gratitude or amour-propre side of things. It's praise for the artist, apart from the friend. As WCW said after the stroke to a friend on the phone (straining for the words that were now mangled): "You have made a record in my heart."
o dear
You are the honest kind generous ! ! o so gifted worker in our flickr+++ fields
and I met you - shared wonderfulls
Honored to remain your fellow violin-stubber
Dam - I wish you the deserved audience Bill
No Pictures Offer More Poignance
and i met you = saved my being huge
I love you Bill. Grateful bill
+: we'll be around