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Oct 13, 2017
¡ ! umbrella group - including BLACK LIVES MATTER
One year ago today we released A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom, and Justice. A #Vision4BlackLives is the result of a year-long process grounded in the shared belief that together we can end the war on Black people, repair harm that has exploited and killed Black people, reinvest, and attain the political and economic power necessary to determine our own destiny.
Read and share with comrades, neighbors and friends to celebrate the one year anniversary of the platform!
Oct 11, 2017
indulgence - with flickr mate:
I'm really struck Bill as you post these by both the originality and the huge breadth of the way you see and record the world; it's a huge pleasure ( and an education too) to see each new posting...
michael i read you = grateful bill
we are flickr to share - it works statistically
seldom will we connect soul-fully
thank you ms - it's all worth it this minute
I'm really struck Bill as you post these by both the originality and the huge breadth of the way you see and record the world; it's a huge pleasure ( and an education too) to see each new posting...
michael i read you = grateful bill
we are flickr to share - it works statistically
seldom will we connect soul-fully
thank you ms - it's all worth it this minute