Mar 26, 2017
Mar 11, 2017
Mar 8, 2017
Mar 5, 2017
Mar 1, 2017
Re: Bernie's J Street speak I sent you
Hello Jewish Man (who invited me to talk over lunch)
I finally found a way to your responding
I have agreed to disagree with no-one I can recall
That's probably because I never heard from them again
You are not no-one so I just can't agree to ... bla bla
& I try very hard to do touchy-stuff only with people I agree with
If I were Jewish I'd probably say this n that
Too many dead and dying in your history for me to do a lunch-over
Bernie Chomsky Klein Oz + do happen to speak for me
There's no missing talk talk
I'm mostly sad and amazed by all of us
Thank you that was good food and didn't cost a cent