Jul 30, 2015

Thank You Greek People!
The capitalist usa & euro & bank fuckers will torture and humiliate you + + + . . . .
Others know this already - we are all next.

Jul 16, 2015

1973 MOMA show  A.D. Coleman   
Luckily after years I was just handed this review - knew it existed - but not how red bloody exciting.
Doctor Coleman speaks truths to and for many:
"... Now, if I were a photographer myself, I would be deeply Insulted by this show. I would be insulted that an institution so prestigious and powerful as the Museum of Modern Art would present, as photographically exemplary, a collection of random snapshots by someone who has not even established enough craft competence to make his disregard of craft standards a significant esthetic choice..." 
midst all the WW shit:
i got a happy load of 13,476 pic-files recovered 
& into Lr5 = yay team! w/o me! 
weeded out 6k dupes n misc doo doo so far ... 
on my way to somewhere! asap . . . lucky billy

Jul 14, 2015

We do what we we do.
We know what it is.
We can learn to know what it isn't.
Thanks to those who do what we don't.
Os Bill.

Jul 13, 2015

Very Sad.
Find-Read-See Richard D. Wolff anywhere you can.

Jul 10, 2015

From friend M in Montreal:
"party is over ? 
looks like Syriza has accepted austerity after all that
maybe their strategy is still not transparent to us everyday people"
wasn't this unthinkable here   distant   only a few years ago    
not to many many many
waking up       everyday stuff now    
our time   global capitalism&human-nature  w/big banks n guns +++
most of us mucking in various shits   since sticks n stones   
Thanks MnN   Os  me     will forward
​= =
"Just look at how banks like Chase behaved in Greece, for example.
Having seen how well interest-rate swaps worked for Jefferson County, Alabama, Chase “helped” countries like Greece and Italy mask their debt problems for years by selling a similar series of swaps to those governments. The bank then turned around and worked with banks like Goldman, Sachs (who were also major purveyors of those swap deals) to create a thing called the iTraxx SovX Western Europe index, which allowed investors to bet against Greek debt.
In other words, banks like Chase and Goldman knowingly larded up the nation of Greece with a crippling future debt burden, then turned around and helped the world bet against Greek debt.
Does a citizen of Greece do that deal? Forget that: does a human being do that deal?
Operations like the Greek swap/short index maneuver were easy money for banks like Goldman and Chase – hell, it’s a no-lose play, like cutting a car’s brake lines and then betting on the driver to crash – but they helped create the monstrous European debt problem that this very minute is threatening to send the entire world economy into collapse, which would result in who knows what horrors. At minimum, millions might lose their jobs and benefits and homes. Millions more will be ruined financially.But why should Chase and Goldman care what happens to those people? Do they have any skin in that game?Of course not. We’re talking about banks that not only didn’t warn the citizens of Greece about their future debt disaster, they actively traded on that information, to make money for themselves.People like Dimon, and Schwarzman, and John Paulson, and all of the rest of them who think the “imbeciles” on the streets are simply full of reasonless class anger, they don’t get it. Nobody hates them for being successful. And not that this needs repeating, but nobody even minds that they are rich.

What makes people furious is that they have stopped being citizens."

Jul 6, 2015

GREECE     good luck for all of us.
merkelette-fuckers   ww-bank-fuckers   
flickr comrades in Athens write  real grateful for outside moral+ support
​while they're courageous & cooked​    
i'm computerizin'   & whinin' over lost arty-commonist?-picture-files   
we do what we fuckin' do  and we know what it is & isn't    Os bill

Jul 5, 2015

Sotiris  Panayotis  et al !
Όλοι θα υποφέρουν
Επομένως, όλοι μας έχουν την ευκαιρία να έχουν μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία!
Σας ευχαριστούμε ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και του ελληνικού λαού!
Συγγνώμη ίσως λυπηρό - αλλά είμαι gonna έχει ένα κομμάτι της ελπίδας για λίγα λεπτά!
Και δείτε τι αυτές οι μαλάκες ευρώ κάνει τι; κάνει μια Κούβα από ΕΛΛΆΔΑ.
Thank You Syriza and the Greek People!
You have such courage! We are with you all.
The capitalist euro & bank fuckers will try to punish you .

Make your lives more desperate. 
You suffer for all of us.
May Spirits bless the Greek people.