Apr 28, 2014

"Jewish Voice for Peace" making sense.
Anti-semitic? I don't think so. 
We guided Esther and Moses thru 10 years of Jewish 'education' and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
In a Synagogue that supports Justice for both Palestine and Israel.

Apr 25, 2014

I hunt the streets for striking pieces of our human adventure.
Photographing to see if my finds will make poignant pictures.

Apr 23, 2014

Yes, I live here on the edge of realities - going on no matter:

Khalidi: It's Time for Palestinians `to get  off their knees' and Turn to Europe and the ICC.  

Rashid Khalidi is an American historian of the Middle East, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, and director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. He is a former adviser to the PLO.

Apr 21, 2014

BART 5pm:
"Are you tired?"
"I'm good."
"Are you tired?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you tired?"
"OK."   She takes the seat.

Apr 20, 2014

(he favorited my Flickr pictures late this easter eve)
You're f---in' on duty WK!
I sleep such weird schedules. I'm supposed to be watching horror movies with the partner but just wanted to get some texty things done real fast and then jump off.
I was having such fun reading Etgar Keret short stories in the tub.
Hope you're having a great evening..morning..well, whatever time it is where you are now.
lucky us - we're horrified by most all of it
+! whatever & whenever you decide ta do it - jesus rises WK.
The eighties movies are a hoot. I had forgotten how many The Blob remakes there are. crazy religious maniac in tent...going town to town, transmitting his Apocalypse...forgot that one.
I forgot it's Easter most of the day. We didn't do anything, family wise or diet wise or anything. 
I do have a sparkly bunny on the door. So I think I'm safe from the sword.
i'm speechless
lucky for you

Apr 19, 2014

Why not constant amazement.
So many people we know constantly do such special stuff.
See what's happened since our Africa.  Look around.
Also Gandhi  Mozart  ...

Apr 15, 2014

Fear of cancer gets a mainstream break from a well schooled maverick.
Jim Allison.

Apr 14, 2014

Apr 13, 2014

3 days - 9 hours hunting - same camera.
Titmice squeak at my puny catch - I feed them.
Back on the bus tomorrow - new head.

Apr 11, 2014

In '63 I lived on a fork:
   Graduate UC in PolSci and wander.
   Be a bad sad grad school guy.
   Try something completely different.
Walked into the Art department - stayed to graduate and wander with focus.

Apr 10, 2014

I have an itching - it's probably personally best that the 'scene' I lived with - the brain I got - here on a western edge of reality - offered the degree of blind that perped my picture making identity all these years - at 75 it will be entitledly painless and quite entertaining to slowly discover the naive futility of my gestures - I loved those guys' films -  missed whole points in my swoons - Bresson  Godard  Truffaut  Renais  Rohmer  Bergman  - Vous ĂȘtes un remorqueur! (tugboat) And there are folks who say they love my pictures - they must live on an edge too.  I love it - and will evolve some shit tomorrow to Keep On Truckin'...  Thanks

Apr 9, 2014

My tiny picture evolution means scattering the 'unwashed' into electro space - less=more. 
You Your Books should be reapin' audience share! 
Commonists coming on board the good ship 'You Us All'.
How to keep your head in touch - !caution.   (I am not challenged.)

Apr 5, 2014

Seeking clarity in our Flickr+ detritus:
You are having more fun (your pictures tell me).
More like the usual level. How about yourself?
Probably I just want your picture-poetry more at my usual level - things are often just too mysterious.
Best to ignore lil'billy!  Tend your own very productive garden.
Will be floatin' til we all re-realize that folks don't much visit the Website.
And the pictures that we love here in the family circle.
In for the long hell and high water,  Bill.
Hi. I have no idea what your email meant. Have a nice day.
My day is at the usual level.
Os William (lil'billy).
bs: Why I don't sell pictures fer 45 yrs? - gallery folks and  visitors,  "I have no idea what they mean."
Go Buddha!
bss: They could just be middling gatherings . . .
Heh. Thanks for the explanation. This email is priceless, a lovely dialogue poem. I figured your email was good-intentioned but after getting (random, undeserved) attacks on here lately, I sometimes look askance at things and think they're attacks when they'r not. I had no idea who "lil billy" was. Two Bills confuse a brew or stew?
It's strange. When I used to "live wrong" (or wronger, who knows what is "right," really) I would get upset if I thought someone was "badgering" me. But now it's more a blip in my day and I float on.
Your work is challenging to people, Bill, and that's the great thing. I can honestly say you to I think your stuff is truly great and you didn't fall into any of the "time traps" that so many of the people who came up alongside you seemed to have done with various genres and such.
Your work is all-out deliciously weird and divinely inspired and you crash through all that genre nonsense to get at the essential poetry and talkativeness of the image (which is, of course, a plurality of images that never stop).
I don't know about website traffic and all that but the longer you keep at it (your website is relatively new) the more you will attract people. Probably if you bragged more, you'd go up even quicker, but somehow it doesn't seem to be your personality. Tant pis. ;p
I saw you posted some good-hearted politically motivated stuff on there but it seems like we're in this post-dialogue state in America. Probably the haves love apathy on the part of the have nots.
I'm at the age where I'm realizing that not just the social world but existence itself is fundamentally insane, so I try to worry less. I don't know if that's apathy. I don't try to feel less but I do try to worry less. Maybe that's a contradiction in terms and I'm doomed for that strategy.
I dunno.
We just found out our water was disgusting through much of 2013 and our township never told us. Who knows how many people died of giardiasis in that period because they chose not to tell us. I just got a brochure for a town meeting about it. I hope someone passed it on to the ambulance chasers. One good way for the poor to get rich around here is for some entity with money to poison one of their own. The Mill did it for about a century. Now apparently it's the water company. I'd just like to get a reduced rate. I mean for the poisoning.
More 'priceless'  William!  Thank you.
(What do folks call out? William?)
Your turn, what's this, 'Tant pis. ;p' ...
Oh .... ;p is one of those cons!
That leaves me wit  'Tant pis.' .
Tequila, then gin n vodka are clean - sips help me.
Wish they had no ethanol = nectar or noose.
'politics', I've been 'in-the-street' since '38.
What?  Of a sudden I should go shut-in?!
I do take your meaning - enough sanity to move is required.
I've been lessoned that me consciousness grows on.
I wanna get-it at my level.  I street-walk and hunt with it.
Not to mention the absurdity of living chipless.
Drink carefully.   Os Bill.

Apr 4, 2014

Every time we evolve this Website we're self-highed for days.
Comes time to re-realize - who cares but the family circle.
Then - so what!
Ready to re-evolve!?  Oh yeah.

Apr 3, 2014

Dear People.

We are so grateful to Nancy Dulberg and Monet Zulpo-Dane for making us possible.
Seven years we sit side by side at Nick's computer evolving our website (we take breaks).
We love it now - we always do.
We hope you find poignant pieces of our adventure to make your own.
Please take this web-blast personally.
Love, Bill n Nick   billdane.com

Apr 2, 2014

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
John Steinbeck